Bulk Cargo Service
Bulk Cargo Service

Bulk Cargo Service

HTD's annual LCL export volume is close to 100,000 cubic meters, and its bulk cargo transportation services cover major ports around the world. Especially for online sales customers with smaller shipments, HTD will ship each seller customer's goods through the country's shipping location. Shipping by LCL is shipped to its designated overseas Amazon local warehouse or overseas warehouse, and the shipping addresses are all over the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other FBA warehouses.

When handling bulk cargo, efficiency is key. Our experienced workers handle bulk cargo efficiently and safely from loading and securing cargo to unloading and delivery. The latest technology combined with best practices will be used to streamline the entire shipping process and reduce delays. At the same time, we will be committed to providing high-quality routes for major sellers and customers, including economical, available fast services, and personalized services that can be customized according to customer needs.

Full Container Service 8

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By choosing us, you will enjoy a comprehensive logistics network, 24/7 customer support, and high-quality transportation services, ensuring that your goods remain unobstructed at all times.

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